925-819-0803 (CELL)
Pj Overholt
Meet Pj Overholt
Bachelor of Science Registered Nurse
Certified Healing Touch Practitioner

  As part of my healing process while undergoing treatment for breast cancer in 2003, I discovered HEALING TOUCH. It has touched my life in many ways, and today I am 10 years cancer-free. Becoming Certified in HT is a journey in itself, with new and exciting ways of viewing the world, our energy system and healing. After taking numerous classes in energy medicine, doing hundreds of HT treatments, networking and volunteering my

HT services at various venues, I became certified in 2008. At that time I retired from my psychiatric nursing job after 35 years and opened my private practice doing HEALING TOUCH in Danville and in Walnut Creek, CA. Since I travel to the Bay Area frequently, I am still available to do treatments there.
I moved to Oro Valley, AZ in 2012, and opened my HEALING TOUCH practice here. I find the desert to be a particularly healing place and am enjoying being a part of it. My home studio has an added bonus of a labyrinth, which is a wonderfully meditative, healing space.

I look forward to elevating your level of wellness and facilitating your own ability to heal.

Your health is in YOUR hands... and MINE!

Pj with Chakras
This photo was taken while attending the National Healing Touch Conference in San Antonio, Texas.
Pj at conference
I'm pictured here in Santa Barbra. I was speaker at California's Healing Touch Symposium.
Pj in Charlotte
While vacationing in Charlotte, North Carolina, we ran across this coffee shop with my name.
Pj at home
We named our home in Oro Valley REFUGIO, which means sanctuary of haven, a place of comfort. Pictured above is the sign I made, which graces our desert garden.
body mind spirit
For Additional Information or to Schedule a Session Call:
520-638-6245 or 925-819-0803 (CELL)
[email protected]